Youth Programs

Target Group

Students grade 1-12, most of whom are Boston residents and BPS students, with priority for 1st & 2nd generation immigrants from the African diaspora including English Learners (EL) and non-EL.

1st-8th Grade Programs

  • After School Enrichment Program

    For ten plus years, we have operated a year round After School Program for BPS students at the James W. Hennigan K-8 School integrating education, culture and enrichment to boost academic achievement, leadership, and build social emotional skills. In collaboration with Boston Public Schools, After School & Beyond, and Boston College the program runs Monday - Friday from 4:10 pm - 6:30 pm.

  • Summer Learning Academy

    Our Summer Learning Academy program targets students in the 1st- 8th grade from the African community while building on our After School Academic Enrichment Program educational focus which includes experiences beyond the classroom. Over the course of five weeks students participate in field trips, STEM challenges, and cultural events. If you are interested and would like to register a student(s) click on the button below.

“We have to talk about liberating minds as well as liberating society,”

—Angela Davis

High School & Post-Grad (Youth In Charge)

  • College & Post Graduate Readiness

    During the school year we run a five week 2 hour weekly college readiness workshop, where we highlight professionalism, job interview protocol, resume building, career exploration, school choice, and cover a component of the application process especially for youth who are not attending schools that provide comprehensive support for the college application process. We will involve our college interns in sharing application strategies and tips, as well as building high school enthusiasm for college and post graduate success.. We draw on strong relationships with existing organizations to provide resources on SAT/ACT preparation; FAFSA, financial aid and scholarships; essays and interviews; orientations to college programs; orientation to college life; and others.

  • Leadership Development

    ACEDONE trains youth aged 14-18 who are interested in developing their leadership skills and are passionate about community. The program focuses on social emotional intelligence (i.e critical thinking, communication, growth-mindset, teamwork), developing leadership skills (i.e. presentation, negotiation, facilitation, mobilization, community mapping, self-advocacy) and cultural exploration activities where youth understand community issues and concerns, develop a sense of ownership, and develop solutions to address issues. All members participant in year round workshops and activities.

  • Workforce Development

    A partnership with Boston Center for Youth and Families and The Boston Foundation we are able to provide employment opportunities to youth year round. ACEDONE provides meaningful employment in leadership positions every fall/summer to Boston teens. The program is designed to encourage workforce development in teens by rooting them firmly in their own identity and helping them transform into agents of positive change in their communities. Some youth spend their time teaching children, leading activities, and assisting with administrative work while others unite immigrant youth communities through social justice work. The youth also participate in career readiness workshops including resume building, interviewing, and career exploration.

  • Youth Ubuntu Project

    Is a joint collaboration between ACEDONE and Center to Support Immigrant Organizing (CSIO). Launched in 2013, YUP’s mission is to develop immigrant teen grassroots leadership in social justice effort, and build unity and solidarity among youth in Boston’s diverse immigrant communities. The program trains a joint group of youth leaders on participatory facilitation practices, active listening techniques, and root cause analysis of social justice. YUP members participate in community exchanges around the Greater Boston area learning about each other’s history, culture, migration stories and share resources. The youth spotlights local community-based social justice organizing efforts learning more about restorative and environment justice.

Interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below